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Version: 1.0.0

Conditional fields from properties

When defining the properties of a collection, you can choose to use a builder [PropertyBuilder], instead of assigning the property configuration directly. In the builder you receive [PropertyBuilderProps] and return your property.

This is useful for changing property configurations like available values on the fly, based on other values.

Example 1​

Example of field that gets enabled or disabled based on other values:

import { buildCollection, EntityReference, EntitySchema } from "@camberi/firecms";

type Product = {
name: string;
main_image: string;
available: boolean;
price: number;
related_products: EntityReference[];
publisher: {
name: string;
external_id: string;

export const productSchema: EntitySchema = buildCollection<Partial<Product>>({
name: "Product",
properties: {
available: {
dataType: "boolean",
title: "Available"
price: ({ values }) => ({
dataType: "number",
title: "Price",
validation: {
requiredMessage: "You must set a price between 0 and 1000",
min: 0,
max: 1000
disabled: !values.available && {
clearOnDisabled: true,
disabledMessage: "You can only set the price on available items"
description: "Price with range validation"

Example 2:​

A User type that has a source field that can be of type facebook or apple, and its fields change accordingly

import {
} from "@camberi/firecms";

type User = {
source: {
type: "facebook",
facebookId: string
} | {
type: "apple",
appleId: number

export const userSchema: EntitySchema = buildCollection<User>({
name: "User",
properties: {
source: ({ values }) => {
const properties = buildProperties<any>({
type: {
dataType: "string",
config: {
enumValues: {
"facebook": "FacebookId",
"apple": "Apple"

if (values.source) {
if ((values.source as any).type === "facebook") {
properties["facebookId"] = buildProperty({
dataType: "string"
} else if ((values.source as any).type === "apple") {
properties["appleId"] = buildProperty({
dataType: "number"

return ({
dataType: "map",
title: "Source",
properties: properties

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