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Big types refactor

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Types updateโ€‹

We have a big update in version 0.49.0 affecting the main types used in the CMS.

The signature of EntitySchema<Key extends string = string> has changed to EntitySchema<M> where M is your model type like:

import { buildSchema } from "@camberi/firecms";

type Product = {
name: string;

const productSchema = buildSchema<Product>({
// ...
name: {
dataType: "string",
// ...
// ...
// ...

This change propagates to all the rest of the types used internally and in the public API, especially to all the types that had EntitySchema as a generic type argument.

For example EntityValues (representing the data related to an entity) had the signature EntityValues<S extends EntitySchema<Key>, Key extends string> and now it is simply EntityValues<M>. You may use EntityValues or any other type that includes a schema as a type if you have callbacks in place or have implemented custom views.

This affects in an equal way all the types that are exported. In order to migrate to the new version you need to make sure that you don't have any references like EntityCollection<typeof productSchema>, like the ones we had in the previous examples. In that case you can create your Product type if you want better type checking or simply remove it.


Let's face it, the type system related to schemas until now was a mess.

It had become overcomplicated and was not providing enough type information in the callbacks. Not it is much straightforward.


I have always found it annoying all the Javascript frameworks that use the module.exports system for configuration. I find myself going always back and fort from the IDE to their website to get the information I need, even if I have an idea.

Configuration as code with a strong type system is a whole other level.

The new system is now able to tell you exactly what you are configuring wrong, or suggest the props you are looking for. The following is a configuration error because we are assigning the multiline config, which applies only to strings, to a number property:

// ...
name: {
dataType: "number",
title: "Name",
config: {
multiline: true
validation: { required: true }
// ...

So it indicates a type error:

Configuration error

Migration examplesโ€‹

For example, if you had a callback including EntityValues, you would know the property keys you had defined, but not the types.

import { buildSchema } from "@camberi/firecms";

type Product = {
name: string;
price: number;

export const productSchema = buildSchema<Product>({
name: "Product",
onPreSave: ({
}) => {
// Now values is of type `Product`
return values;

properties: {
name: {
dataType: "string",
title: "Name"
price: {
dataType: "number",
title: "Price"

With this update you get a complete type system in all your callbacks, which will help prevent errors.

Use without specifying the typeโ€‹

There is a way to get the same type validation without indicating the type explicitly. You can wrap each property with buildProperty to get the same result

import { buildSchema, buildProperty } from "@camberi/firecms";

export const productSchema = buildSchema({
name: "Product",
onPreSave: ({
}) => {
// Now values is of type `{ name: string; price: number; }`, so
// equivalent to the previous example
return values;

properties: {
name: buildProperty({
dataType: "string",
title: "Name"
price: buildProperty({
dataType: "number",
title: "Price"

This way of building your schemas is not encouraged, but it may be useful for simplifying your migration.

In case you need to retrieve the type of the schema you have created, we now include a utility type called InferSchemaType that could be useful if you had code like buildCollection<typeof productSchema>, which now would simply turn into buildCollection<InferSchemaType<typeof productSchema>>

We know that it can be a bit frustrating to migrate code to a newer version and fix breaking changes, but we are convinced that this is a change for the better, making our life and our users easier ๐Ÿ˜‰

Affected types and methodsโ€‹

All the following types and methods have seen their types changed from <S extends EntitySchema<Key>, Key extends string> to <M>

  • EntityCollection
  • AdditionalColumnDelegate
  • PermissionsBuilder
  • ExtraActionsParams
  • FilterValues
  • EntityCustomView
  • EntityCustomViewParams
  • EntitySaveProps
  • EntityDeleteProps
  • Entity
  • EntityValues
  • FieldProps
  • FormContext
  • CMSFormFieldProps
  • Properties
  • PropertyBuilderProps
  • PropertyBuilder
  • PropertyOrBuilder
  • listenCollection
  • fetchCollection
  • fetchEntity
  • listenEntity
  • listenEntityFromRef
  • createEntityFromSchema
  • saveEntity

And some other components that are only used in advaced use cases.

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