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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Function: SelectableTable()

SelectableTable(props): ReactNode

This component is in charge of rendering a collection table with a high degree of customization.

This component is used internally by EntityCollectionView and useReferenceDialog

Please note that you only need to use this component if you are building a custom view. If you just need to create a default view you can do it exclusively with config options.

If you want to bind a EntityCollection to a table with the default options you see in collections in the top level navigation, you can check EntityCollectionView.

The data displayed in the table is managed by a EntityTableController. You can build the default, bound to a path in the datasource, by using the hook useDataSourceTableController


• props: SelectableTableProps<any>




  • EntityCollectionTableProps
  • EntityCollectionView
  • VirtualTable

Defined in​


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