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Version: 1.0.0


Get the context that includes the internal controllers and contexts used by the app. Some controllers and context included in this context can be accessed directly from their respective hooks.

The props provided by this context are:

  • dateTimeFormat?: Format of the dates in the CMS. Defaults to 'MMMM dd, yyyy, HH:mm:ss'

  • locale?: Locale of the CMS, currently only affecting dates

  • dataSource:Connector to your database, e.g. your Firestore database

  • storageSource: Used storage implementation

  • schemaRegistryController: This controller is in charge of resolving the entity schemas from a given path. It takes into account the navigation prop set in the main level of the CMSApp as well as the schemaResolver in case you want to override schemas to specific entities.

  • navigationContext: Context that includes the resolved navigation and utility methods and attributes.

  • sideEntityController: Controller to open the side dialog displaying entity forms

  • authController: Used auth controller

  • entityLinkBuilder?: Builder for generating utility links for entities

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