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Version: 1.0.0

Migrating from alpha versions

If you were using the app in the alpha versions (before 1.0.0-beta1), you will find many breaking changes. We have done a lot of internal refactorings with the primary goal of making internal and external APIs more predictable and consistent.

Oh, and we have a very awesome new dark theme too ;)

Core dependencies update​

In version 1.0.0 there are major updates to some dependencies, now using:

  • MaterialUI v5
  • React Router v6
  • Firebase JS SDK 9

Run this command to add the new dependencies:

yarn add @camberi/firecms firebase@^9.0.0 @mui/material@^5.1.0 @mui/icons-material@^5.1.0 @mui/lab@^5.0.0-alpha.55 @emotion/react @emotion/styled react-router@^6.0.0 react-router-dom@^6.0.0

You may want to remove previous dependencies to @material-ui

Separation of concerns​

We are taking steps to abstract away all the Firebase specific details behind our own interfaces, giving developers more flexibility, even allowing to replace the Firestore datasource, the Firebase Storage implementation or the Firebase auth mechanism.

All the code related to Firebase/Firestore is now located in an internal package called firebase_app and it is the only place where there are references to Firebase code. Essentially, you can build a CMS replacing all the services without touching that specific package.

If you are using CMSApp (called FirebaseCMSApp from now on), you will not be largely impacted by the changes in this update, besides the callbacks and props specified bellow.

There are two new classes that replace the Firebase ones:

  • EntityReference
  • GeoPoint (though the field is not implemented)

If you have any models that use Firebase references such as:

import firebase from "firebase/app";

type User = {
// ...
liked_products: firebase.firestore.DocumentReference[];

you should replace them by:

import { EntityReference } from "@camberi/firecms";

type User = {
// ...
liked_products: EntityReference[];

API changes​

  • CMSApp has been renamed to FirebaseCMSApp in order to better reflect that that implementation of FireCMS uses Firebase as the backend.

  • CMSAppProvider has been renamed to FireCMS, it is now the main component of the CMS, in charge of initialising navigation and all the contexts.

  • CMSAppContext has been renamed to FireCMSContext.

  • useCMSAppContext has been renamed to useFireCMSContext.

  • General callbacks refactor. All callbacks now always return a single object with the props as fields. The goal of this change is to make them predictable and remove inconsistencies:

    • Every field that was previously called collectionPath now is simply called path.
    • Every field that was previously called entitySchema now is simply called schema.
    • All entity id fields are now renamed to entityId (with the only exception of the field id in Entity).
  • AuthController loggedUser renamed to user

  • EntitySaveProps renamed to EntityOnSaveProps

  • EntityDeleteProps renamed to EntityOnDeleteProps

  • UploadedFileContext entityValues renamed to values

  • useNavigationFrom renamed to useResolvedNavigationFrom

  • getNavigationFrom renamed to resolveNavigationFrom

  • AdditionalColumnDelegate builder prop now receives an object including the entity and the app context, instead of only the entity as before:

// Previous
const previousProductAdditionalColumn: AdditionalColumnDelegate<Product> = {
id: "spanish_title",
title: "Spanish title",
builder: (entity: Entity<Product>) =>

// Now
const productAdditionalColumn: AdditionalColumnDelegate<Product> = {
id: "spanish_title",
title: "Spanish title",
builder: ({ entity }) =>
  • Authenticator now receives an object with a user field instead of a User . It is also generically typed now, so you can specify the type for the user. If you are using the default FirebaseCMSApp, you can specify your authenticator like:
import { User as FirebaseUser } from "firebase/auth";
const myAuthenticator: Authenticator<FirebaseUser> = async ({
}) => {
console.log("Allowing access to", user?.email);
// ...
return true;
  • FormContext entitySchema is now called schema

  • field prop in properties has been renamed to Field

  • preview prop in properties has been renamed to Preview

  • indexes prop in EntityCollection has been renamed to filterCombinations

  • relativePath prop in EntityCollection has been renamed to path

  • If you were using CMSAppProvider and CMSMainView, they have been largely refactored, and now you will need to implement a bunch of extra stuff if you want to go down the super custom road. Those components have now been turned into:

    • [FireCMS]
    • [Scaffold]
    • [NavigationRoutes]
    • [SideEntityDialogs]

    You will be responsible for initialising the material theme, Firebase (or your own backend) and providing the Router. On the plus side, this is going to give you a ton of room for customisation. You can check a complete example in:

The text search functionality has been moved to the datasource and removed from the collection level. In your collection, you can now set the textSearchEnabled flag to true to display the search bar.

This goes in the direction of building a generic core of the CMS that is not directly coupled with Firebase/Firestore. We have removed search delegates at the collection level, and now you can find them at the datasource level.

The interface created for the Datasource is now agnostic, and we understand that the text search is part of the API in listenCollection or fetchCollection, instead of being a separate delegate, like until now.

The text search implementation has been moved to the firebase_app level. You can now define a FirestoreTextSearchController where you need to return the search ids, based on the collection path and the searchString, instead of having a single TextSearchDelegate per collection.

Check an example of the new implementation

Saving and deleting callbacks​

The callbacks that were previously related to a schema have been moved to the collection level, and are now bundled up under the optional callbacks prop.

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