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Version: 2.0.0

Migrating from version 1.0 to 2.0


The package name has change from @Camberi/firecms to firecms. Please update your dependencies accordingly

In order to update the dependencies to the new version you can run the command

yarn add firecms@^2.0.0 firebase@^9 @mui/material@^5 @mui/icons-material@^5 @mui/lab@latest @mui/x-date-pickers@^5.0.0-beta.1 @emotion/react @emotion/styled react-router@^6 react-router-dom@^6

This is a guide on how to migrate FireCMS apps from version 1.0 to 2.0.

Main config​

The main navigation has been revamped:

  • The navigation prop has been removed and replaced with collections and views.
  • If you need to have dynamic collections or views based on the user or other config, you can use a EntityCollectionsBuilder or CMSViewsBuilder in an analogous way to v1, though the return types are different.
  • The authentication and authorization logic has been moved away from FireCMS and now it is handled externally. Note that this only affects you if you are using a custom app, not if you are using the usual FirebaseCMSApp
  • Every prop of type React.ReactNode is now spelled in lowercase for consistency. For example, AdditionalComponent is now additionalComponent. Or Actions is now actions.
  • Every prop of type React.ComponentType is now spelled in uppercase for consistency. For example, icon is now Icon. Or Actions is now actions.
  • If you are using FireCMS instead of FirebaseAppCMS:
  • You need to add an additional SnackbarProvider and a ModeControllerProvider in your tree. It was provided by FireCMS before, but we treat it as a separate component now for better customization.


Collections and entity schemas have been merged into one single concept. All the fields related to entity schemas have been moved to the collection level. We felt it was redundant, and the distribution of logic between those 2 concepts felt arbitrary.

Most of the new props in EntityCollection have the same signature as the previous existing ones in EntitySchema, so you will be able to copy and paste most of the config:

Code in version 1.0​
const usersSchema = buildSchema(
name: "User",
properties: {
display_name: buildProperty({
dataType: "string",
title: "Display name"
email: {
dataType: "string",
title: "Email",
validation: {
email: true

const usersCollection = buildCollection({
path: "users",
schema: usersSchema,
name: "Users",
callbacks: {
onPreSave: ({ values }: EntityOnSaveProps<any, any>) =>{
return values;
properties: ["display_name", "email", "country_code", "birth_year", "photo_url", "current_level", "level_points", "current_habit_refs", "challenge_id"],
textSearchEnabled: true
Code in version 2.0​
const usersCollection = buildCollection({
path: "users",
name: "User",
properties: {
display_name: buildProperty({
dataType: "string",
name: "Display name"
email: {
dataType: "string",
name: "Email",
validation: {
email: true
callbacks: {
onPreSave: ({ values }: EntityOnSaveProps<any, any>) =>{
return values;
textSearchEnabled: true
  • AdditionalColumnDelegate has been renamed to AdditionalFieldDelegate. The signature is the same. The prop in the collection is now called additionalFields, instead of additionalColumns.
  • extraActions has been renamed to Actions. The signature is the same. ExtraActionsParams has been renamed to CollectionActionsProps.
  • EntityPermissionsBuilderProps has been renamed to PermissionsBuilderProps and EntityPermissionsBuilder has been renamed to PermissionsBuilder


  • The title prop of properties has been renamed to name. Note that this is a critical update, and you might get a cryptic typescript error if not done
  • All the configuration options that were located under the config prop of properties have been moved to the property level
dataType: "string",
title: "Currency",
config: {
enumValues: {
EUR: "Euros",
DOL: "Dollars"
validation: {
required: true

now becomes:

dataType: "string",
name: "Currency",
enumValues: {
EUR: "Euros",
DOL: "Dollars"
validation: {
required: true
  • The buildPropertyField utility function has been replaced by a component called PropertyFieldBinding. The props have not changed.

  • CMSFormFieldProps have been renamed to PropertyFieldBindingProps

  • TimestampProperty is now renamed to DateProperty in order to reflect better the alignment with JS types instead of Firebase ones. The discriminator when declaring date properties now is date instead of timestamp.

  • PreviewComponent has been renamed to PropertyPreview

  • PreviewComponentProps has been renamed to PropertyPreviewProps

  • Validation: The email and url validation prop in string properties are now placed at the property level (not under validation). url now only takes a boolean value instead of the preview type.

  • storageMetaprop in string properties is now called storage

  • name in FieldProps which refers to a property key, is now called propertyKey

  • name in PreviewComponent which refers to a property key, is now called propertyKey

  • name in CMSFormFieldProps which refers to a property key, is now called propertyKey

  • Removed mediaType in the storage configuration of string properties. It is now inferred automatically.

  • toolbarActionsBuilder in CollectionTable has been replaced by a prop where you pass a React Component directly: Actions

  • toolbarActionsBuilder in CollectionTable has been replaced by a prop where you pass a React Component directly: Actions

  • Enum values: if you are using enum values with custom configurations, you need to include the id in the new object as well

  • skipLoginButtonEnabled renamed to allowSkipLogin in FirebaseLoginViewProps

buildProperty(({ values }) => ({
title: "Status",
dataType: "string",
enumValues: {
published: {
id: "published", // new compulsory field
label: "Published",
disabled: !values.header_image,
draft: "Draft"
  • LoginViewProps has been replaced by LoginView in FirebaseCMSAppProps. If you were overriding the LoginViewProps before, you can now simply pass a component that wraps FirebaseLoginView. This allows you to keep control of the login view and add additional state if you need it. The simplest component you would pass to LoginView looks like:
import { FirebaseLoginView, FirebaseLoginViewProps } from "@firecms/core";

export function CustomLoginView(props: FirebaseLoginViewProps) {
return <FirebaseLoginView {...props}/>;

Style changes​

One of the fonts used by FireCMS has changed, and you need to update the imports to reflect it:

Before in V1:

import "typeface-rubik";
import "typeface-space-mono";

afterwards in V2:

import "typeface-rubik";
import "@fontsource/ibm-plex-mono";

Custom apps​

The authorization and authentication logic has been moved away from the core of the FireCMS component, and now it is handled by the components implementing it.

Specifically, the Authenticator logic has been extracted into a new hook useValidateAuthenticator from the core. You are free to use it in your implementation as before or use your custom logic, for displaying the login screen when needed. It is now easier to implement you AuthController and your custom login flow.

Check a sample custom app for referece

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