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Version: 2.0.0

Conditional fields from properties

When defining the properties of a collection, you can choose to use a builder [PropertyBuilder], instead of assigning the property configuration directly. In the builder you receive [PropertyBuilderProps] and return your property.

This is useful for changing property configurations like available values on the fly, based on other values.


You can use property builders at any level of your property tree (including children of maps an arrays).

You can access the complete values of the entity being edited in the builder with the values prop, but also the value of the property being built with propertyValue.

Example 1​

Example of field that gets enabled or disabled based on other values:

import {
} from "@firecms/core";

type Product = {
name: string;
main_image: string;
available: boolean;
price: number;
related_products: EntityReference[];
publisher: {
name: string;
external_id: string;

export const productCollection: EntityCollection = buildCollection<Partial<Product>>({
name: "Product",
properties: {
available: {
dataType: "boolean",
name: "Available"
price: ({ values }) => ({
dataType: "number",
name: "Price",
validation: {
requiredMessage: "You must set a price between 0 and 1000",
min: 0,
max: 1000
disabled: !values.available && {
clearOnDisabled: true,
disabledMessage: "You can only set the price on available items"
description: "Price with range validation"

Example 2​

A User type that has a source field that can be of type facebook or apple, and its fields change accordingly

import {
} from "@firecms/core";

type User = {
source: {
type: "facebook",
facebookId: string
} | {
type: "apple",
appleId: number

export const userSchema: EntityCollection = buildCollection<User>({
name: "User",
properties: {
source: ({ values }) => {
const properties = buildProperties<any>({
type: {
dataType: "string",
enumValues: {
"facebook": "FacebookId",
"apple": "Apple"

if (values.source) {
if ((values.source as any).type === "facebook") {
properties["facebookId"] = buildProperty({
dataType: "string"
} else if ((values.source as any).type === "apple") {
properties["appleId"] = buildProperty({
dataType: "number"

return ({
dataType: "map",
name: "Source",
properties: properties
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