Custom previews
Every property you define in the CMS as a preview component associated by default. In some cases you may want to build a custom preview component.
Just as you can customize how your property field is rendered, you can change how the preview of a property is displayed in collection and other read only views.
You can build your preview as a React component that takes [PropertyPreviewProps] as props.
has two generic types: the first one is the type of the
property, such as string
or boolean
and the second one (optional) is the
type for any custom props you would like to pass to the preview, just like
done when defining custom fields.
Example of a custom preview for a boolean
import React, { ReactElement } from "react";
import { PropertyPreviewProps } from "@firecms/core";
import CheckBoxOutlineBlank from "@mui/icons-material/CheckBoxOutlineBlank";
import CheckBoxOutlined from "@mui/icons-material/CheckBoxOutlined";
export default function CustomBooleanPreview({
value, property, size
}: PropertyPreviewProps
return (
value ? <CheckBoxOutlined/> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank/>
...and how it is used:
export const blogCollection = buildCollection({
name: "Blog entry",
properties: {
// ...
reviewed: {
name: "Reviewed",
dataType: "boolean",
Preview: CustomBooleanPreview