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Version: 2.0.0

Select fields

Simple select field​


You can use a simple select field when you would like allow the selection of a single value among a limited set of options. Each entry will have a key and a label. You can also customise the color of each entry or disable certain options.

Set the enumValues prop to a valid configuration in a string property. You can define those values as an array of [EnumValueConfig] or simply as an object with key/value pairs:

import { buildProperty } from "@firecms/core";

dataType: "string",
name: "Category",
enumValues: {
art_design_books: "Art and design books",
backpacks: "Backpacks and bags",
bath: "Bath",
bicycle: "Bicycle",
books: "Books"


import { buildProperty } from "@firecms/core";

dataType: "string",
name: "Currency",
enumValues: [
{ id: "EUR", label: "Euros", color: "blueDark" },
{ id: "DOL", label: "Dollars", color: "greenLight" }

The data type is string or number.

Internally the component used is [SelectFieldBinding].

Multiple select field​


You can use a multiple select field when you would like allow the selection of a zero or more values among a limited set of options. Each entry will have a key and a label. You can also customise the color of each entry or disable certain options.

Set the enumValues prop to a valid configuration in a string property. You can define those values as an array of [EnumValueConfig] or simply as an object with key/value pairs:

import { buildProperty } from "@firecms/core";

name: "Available locales",
dataType: "array",
of: {
dataType: "string",
enumValues: {
"es": "Spanish",
"en": "English",
"fr": {
id: "fr",
label: "French",
disabled: true
defaultValue: ["es"]

The data type is array with either string or number properties as the of prop, using enum values.

Internally the component used is [SelectFieldBinding].

Customising the colors​

You can pick the colors among a list of predefined values:

import { ChipColorKey, ChipColorScheme } from "../components";
import { hashString } from "./hash";

export const CHIP_COLORS: Record<string, ChipColorScheme> = {
blueLighter: { color: "#cfdfff", text: "#102046" },
cyanLighter: { color: "#d0f0fd", text: "#04283f" },
tealLighter: { color: "#c2f5e9", text: "#012524" },
greenLighter: { color: "#d1f7c4", text: "#0b1d05" },
yellowLighter: { color: "#ffeab6", text: "#3b2501" },
orangeLighter: { color: "#fee2d5", text: "#6b2613" },
redLighter: { color: "#ffdce5", text: "#4c0c1c" },
pinkLighter: { color: "#ffdaf6", text: "#400832" },
purpleLighter: { color: "#ede2fe", text: "#280b42" },
grayLighter: { color: "#eee", text: "#040404" },

blueLight: { color: "#9cc7ff", text: "#102046" },
cyanLight: { color: "#77d1f3", text: "#04283f" },
tealLight: { color: "#72ddc3", text: "#012524" },
greenLight: { color: "#93e088", text: "#0b1d05" },
yellowLight: { color: "#ffd66e", text: "#3b2501" },
orangeLight: { color: "#ffa981", text: "#6b2613" },
redLight: { color: "#ff9eb7", text: "#4c0c1c" },
pinkLight: { color: "#f99de2", text: "#400832" },
purpleLight: { color: "#cdb0ff", text: "#280b42" },
grayLight: { color: "#ccc", text: "#040404" },

blueDark: { color: "#2d7ff9", text: "#fff" },
cyanDark: { color: "#18bfff", text: "#fff" },
tealDark: { color: "#20d9d2", text: "#fff" },
greenDark: { color: "#20c933", text: "#fff" },
yellowDark: { color: "#fcb400", text: "#fff" },
orangeDark: { color: "#ff6f2c", text: "#fff" },
redDark: { color: "#f82b60", text: "#fff" },
pinkDark: { color: "#ff08c2", text: "#fff" },
purpleDark: { color: "#8b46ff", text: "#fff" },
grayDark: { color: "#666", text: "#fff" },

blueDarker: { color: "#2750ae", text: "#cfdfff" },
cyanDarker: { color: "#0b76b7", text: "#d0f0fd" },
tealDarker: { color: "#06a09b", text: "#daf3e9" },
greenDarker: { color: "#338a17", text: "#d1f7c4" },
yellowDarker: { color: "#b87503", text: "#ffeab6" },
orangeDarker: { color: "#d74d26", text: "#fee2d5" },
redDarker: { color: "#ba1e45", text: "#ffdce5" },
pinkDarker: { color: "#b2158b", text: "#ffdaf6" },
purpleDarker: { color: "#6b1cb0", text: "#ede2fe" },
grayDarker: { color: "#444", text: "#eee" }

export function getColorSchemeForKey(key: ChipColorKey): ChipColorScheme {
return CHIP_COLORS[key];

export function getColorSchemeForSeed(seed: string): ChipColorScheme {
const hash: number = hashString(seed);
const colorKeys = Object.keys(CHIP_COLORS);
const index = hash % colorKeys.length;
return CHIP_COLORS[colorKeys[index]];

And you can also define custom colors using the HTML syntax #AAAAAA:

import { buildProperty } from "@firecms/core";

dataType: "string",
name: "Currency",
enumValues: [
{ id: "EUR", label: "Euros", color: "blueDark" },
id: "DOL",
label: "Dollars",
color: {
color: "#FFFFFF",
text: "#333333",
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