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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Firestore Rules

FireCMS saves some configuration data in Firestore to manage user roles and permissions, as well as the collections configuration. In order to work properly, you need to set up the Firestore rules to allow the plugin to read and write to the specified paths.

These are the default paths used by FireCMS (you can modify those paths in the specific plugin configuration):

  • __FIRECMS/config/users
  • __FIRECMS/config/roles
  • __FIRECMS/config/collections

First time setup rules

Depending on your project setup, the logged in user might not have permission to write to the Firestore database, in the FireCMS config path. In this case we suggest temporarily allowing access to the __FIRECMS path and subcollections.

match /__FIRECMS/{document=**} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if true;

Final suggested rules

After you have created the first user and roles, you can restrict access to the __FIRECMS path again. We encourage you to set-up specific rules for your project, based on your security requirements.

These are the rules that we suggest:

match /{document=**} {
allow read: if isFireCMSUser();
allow write: if isFireCMSUser();

function isFireCMSUser(){
return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/__FIRECMS/config/users/$(;

These rules will allow users that have a CMS role to read and write all the data in your Firestore database. The roles will be enforced in the frontend by FireCMS, but if it is a requirement for your project, you can also enforce them in the Firestore rules, by setting your own custom rules.

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