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Version: 3.0.0-beta

User Management

This document provides an overview of how to use the User Management Plugin with FireCMS to manage users and roles in a Firestore backend.

The User Management Plugin allows you to create, edit, and delete users and roles within your FireCMS project. It ensures that users have the appropriate permissions based on their roles and integrates this authentication and permissions system directly into your Firestore backend. This plugin allows you to control which users can access your application and what actions they can perform over what specific collections.

In this document, we will cover how to set up and use this plugin in your FireCMS application.


First, ensure you have installed the necessary dependencies. To use the plugin, you need to have FireCMS and Firebase set up in your project.

yarn add @firecms/user_management


The plugin requires several configurations, including paths for storing user and role data.

The default config of the plugin will be saved to your Firestore database under the path __FIRECMS/config, but you can customize this path as needed.

Make sure to set up the Firestore rules to allow the plugin to read and write to the specified paths. We suggest adding these rules to your Firestore security rules, which will allow users with the correct roles to access the user management data.

match /{document=**} {
allow read: if isFireCMSUser();
allow write: if isFireCMSUser();

function isFireCMSUser(){
return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/__FIRECMS/config/users/$(;

User Management Parameters

Below are the parameters you can configure:

  • firebaseApp: The Firebase app to use for user management.
  • usersPath: Path in Firestore where user configurations are stored. Default is __FIRECMS/config/users.
  • rolesPath: Path in Firestore where role configurations are stored. Default is __FIRECMS/config/roles.
  • usersLimit: Maximum number of users that can be created.
  • canEditRoles: Determines if the logged-in user can edit roles. Default is true.
  • allowDefaultRolesCreation: If there are no roles in the database, show a button to create default roles. Default is true.

Hook Usage

The main hook to utilize the plugin's functionality is useFirestoreUserManagement. Here's an example of how to use it:

import {useBuildUserManagement} from "@firecms/user_management";

const userManagement = useBuildUserManagement({
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate,
usersPath: "__FIRECMS/config/users",
rolesPath: "__FIRECMS/config/roles",
canEditRoles: true,
allowDefaultRolesCreation: true,

Setting up the Plugin

To integrate the user management into FireCMS, use the useUserManagementPlugin function and pass the resulting plugin into the FireCMS configuration. You will usually want to do this in your main App component.

Example Configuration

import {FireCMS} from "@firecms/core";

import {useBuildUserManagement, useUserManagementPlugin, userManagementAdminViews} from "@firecms/user_management";

function App() {

// .. rest of your configuration, including the `authController` and `firestoreDelegate`

const userManagementPlugin = useUserManagementPlugin({ userManagement });

const userManagement = useBuildUserManagement({
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate,
usersPath: "__FIRECMS/config/users",
rolesPath: "__FIRECMS/config/roles",
usersLimit: 100,
canEditRoles: true,
allowDefaultRolesCreation: true,
includeCollectionConfigPermissions: true,

const {
} = useValidateAuthenticator({
disabled: userManagement.loading,
authenticator: userManagement.authenticator,
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate,

const navigationController = useBuildNavigationController({
adminViews: userManagementAdminViews,
collectionPermissions: userManagement.collectionPermissions, // Optional, link collection permissions to user management
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate

return (
// ..components and providers
// ...other configurations

export default App;

Adding the user management views

Besides the plugin, you will need to add the user management views to your FireCMS project. They are exported as an array from the @firecms/user_management package. You can add them to your useBuildNavigationController hook configuration, in the adminViews array.

import {userManagementAdminViews} from "@firecms/user_management";

const navigationController = useBuildNavigationController({
adminViews: userManagementAdminViews,
collectionPermissions: userManagement.collectionPermissions,
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate

Authenticating Users

The plugin provides an authenticator function that you can use to authenticate users based on their roles. You can pass this function to the useValidateAuthenticator hook to authenticate users and determine if they can access the main view.

const {
} = useValidateAuthenticator({
disabled: userManagement.loading,
authenticator: userManagement.authenticator,
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate,

The result of the useValidateAuthenticator hook can be used to return the main view or an error message if the user is not allowed. Please note that you can override any part of the user management configuration to customize the authentication process.

Integrating Collection Permissions

The UserManagement object includes a collectionPermissions function that checks what operations a user can perform based on their roles and the collection configuration. The permissions will be based on your users and roles configuration in Firestore.

You can pass this function to the useBuildNavigationController hook to integrate collection permissions into your FireCMS project.

Note that if you apply permissions to a collection,they will override the permissions set in the collection configuration.

const navigationController = useBuildNavigationController({
collectionPermissions: userManagement.collectionPermissions,
dataSourceDelegate: firestoreDelegate

Error Handling

The plugin provides error handling through rolesError and usersError properties in the UserManagement object. These can be used to detect and display error messages when loading roles or users.

if (userManagement.rolesError) {
console.error("Roles Error: ", userManagement.rolesError);
// Handle roles error

if (userManagement.usersError) {
console.error("Users Error: ", userManagement.usersError);
// Handle users error

Using the plugin within your application

Once you have set up the plugin, you will have created a provider that you can use to manage users and roles within your application. You can access the user management functions and data through the useUserManagement hook.

The userManagement object returned by the useFirestoreUserManagement hook includes the following properties:

  • loading: Indicates if the data is being loaded. Boolean value.
  • users: Array of user objects. Contains the users being managed.
  • saveUser: Function to persist a user. Takes a user object and returns a promise resolving with the saved user.
  • deleteUser: Function to delete a user. Takes a user object and returns a promise resolving when the user is deleted.
  • roles: Array of role objects. Contains the roles available in the system.
  • saveRole: Function to persist a role. Takes a role object and returns a promise resolving when the role is saved.
  • deleteRole: Function to delete a role. Takes a role object and returns a promise resolving when the role is deleted.
  • usersLimit: Optional. Maximum number of users that can be created.
  • canEditRoles: Optional. Determines if the logged-in user can edit roles. Boolean value.
  • isAdmin: Optional. Boolean to check if the logged-in user is an Admin.
  • allowDefaultRolesCreation: Optional. Include a button to create default roles, in case there are no roles in the system. Boolean value.
  • includeCollectionConfigPermissions: Optional. Include the collection config permissions in the user management system. Boolean value.
  • collectionPermissions: A permissions builder that defines which operations can be performed by a user in a collection. The permission builder generated should be based on the user roles and the collection config.
  • defineRolesFor: Function to define the roles for a given user. You will typically want to plug this into your auth controller. Takes a user object and returns a promise resolving with an array of roles or undefined.
  • authenticator: Optional. Authenticator callback built from the current configuration of the user management. It will only allow access to users with the required roles.
  • rolesError: Optional. Holds any error occurred while loading roles.
  • usersError: Optional. Holds any error occurred while loading users.
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