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Version: 3.0.0-beta


You can define the read, edit, create and delete permissions at the collection level, also depending on the logged-in user.

These define the actions that the logged user can perform over an entity.

Simple permissions

In the simpler case, you can directly assign the permissions

import { buildCollection } from "@firecms/core";

path: "products",
collection: productCollection,
name: "Products",
permissions: {
edit: true,
create: true,
delete: false

Advanced permissions

You can customise the permissions based on the user that is logged in, or any other criteria that fits your use case.

You can use a PermissionBuilder, like in the example below, to customise the actions based on the logged user.

In the example below we check if we have previously saved the role "admin" in the extras field in the AuthController.

import { buildCollection } from "@firecms/core";

path: "products",
collection: productCollection,
name: "Products",
permissions: ({
}) => {
const isAdmin = authController.extra?.roles.includes("admin");
return ({
edit: isAdmin,
create: isAdmin,
delete: isAdmin

Note that you can set the extra parameter in the AuthController to any data that makes sense to you. Suggested places where you may want to set that parameter are Authenticator since it is initialised before the rest of the app.

Quick example of how the extra.roles field in the previous example is initialised:

import { Authenticator } from "@firecms/core";
import { FirebaseUserWrapper } from "@firecms/firebase";

const myAuthenticator: Authenticator<FirebaseUserWrapper> = async ({
}) => {
// This is an example of retrieving async data related to the user
// and storing it in the controller's extra field
const sampleUserData = await Promise.resolve({
roles: ["admin"]

console.log("Allowing access to", user);
return true; // Allow
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