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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Top level views

If you need to develop a custom view that does not map directly to a Firestore collection you can implement it as a React component. This is useful for implementing custom dashboards, data visualizations, or any other custom functionality you need.

You can use all the components and hooks provided by FireCMS. Check the components gallery for more information.

You can also use all the hooks, including authentication, navigation, datasource (Firestore), storage, etc.

You can also include collection views inside your custom views, or use the side panel to see entity details, or use with completely custom components.

You need to define the name, route and the component, and add it to the main navigation, as the example below.

By default, it will show in the main navigation view.

For custom views you can define the following props:

  • path string

    CMS Path you can reach this view from. If you include multiple paths, only the first one will be included in the main menu

  • name: string

    Name of this view

  • description?: string

    Optional description of this view. You can use Markdown

  • hideFromNavigation?: boolean

    Should this view be hidden from the main navigation panel. It will still be accessible if you reach the specified path

  • view: React.ReactNode

    Component to be rendered. This can be any React component, and can use any of the provided hooks

  • group?: string

    Optional field used to group top level navigation entries under a navigation view.


A quick example for a custom view:

import { buildCollection, CMSView } from "@firecms/core";
import { ExampleCMSView } from "./ExampleCMSView";
import { FireCMSAppConfig, FireCMSCloudApp } from "@firecms/cloud";

const projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";

const customViews: CMSView[] = [{
path: "additional",
name: "Additional view",
description: "This is an example of an additional view that is defined by the user",
// This can be any React component
view: <ExampleCMSView/>

const productCollection = buildCollection({
name: "Product",
id: "products",
path: "products",
properties: {
name: {
name: "Name",
validation: { required: true },
dataType: "string"

const appConfig: FireCMSAppConfig = {
version: "1",
collections: ({ user }) => [
views: customViews

export default function App() {

return <FireCMSCloudApp

Your custom view is implemented as any regular React component that uses some hooks provided by the CMS:

import React from "react";

import {
} from "@firecms/core";
import { Button, GitHubIcon, IconButton, Paper, Tooltip, Typography, } from "@firecms/ui";

const usersCollection = buildCollection({
path: "users",
id: "users",
name: "Users",
singularName: "User",
group: "Main",
description: "Registered users",
textSearchEnabled: true,
icon: "Person",
properties: {
first_name: {
name: "First name",
dataType: "string"
last_name: {
name: "Last name",
dataType: "string"
email: {
name: "Email",
dataType: "string",
email: true
phone: {
name: "Phone",
dataType: "string"
liked_products: {
dataType: "array",
name: "Liked products",
description: "Products this user has liked",
of: {
dataType: "reference",
path: "products"
picture: {
name: "Picture",
dataType: "map",
properties: {
large: {
name: "Large",
dataType: "string",
url: "image"
thumbnail: {
name: "Thumbnail",
dataType: "string",
url: "image"
previewProperties: ["large"]
additionalFields: [
key: "sample_additional",
name: "Sample additional",
Builder: ({ entity }) => <>{`Generated column: ${entity.values.first_name}`}</>,
dependencies: ["first_name"]

* Sample CMS view not bound to a collection, customizable by the developer

export function ExampleCMSView() {

// hook to display custom snackbars
const snackbarController = useSnackbarController();

const selectionController = useSelectionController();

console.log("Selection from ExampleCMSView", selectionController.selectedEntities);

// hook to open the side dialog that shows the entity forms
const sideEntityController = useSideEntityController();

// hook to do operations related to authentication
const authController = useAuthController();

// hook to open a reference dialog
const referenceDialog = useReferenceDialog({
path: "products",
onSingleEntitySelected(entity: Entity<any> | null) {{
type: "success",
message: "Selected " + entity?

const customProductCollection = buildCollection({
id: "custom_product",
path: "custom_product",
name: "Custom products",
properties: {
name: {
name: "Name",
validation: { required: true },
dataType: "string"
very_custom_field: {
name: "Very custom field",
dataType: "string"

const githubLink = (
title="Get the source code of this example view">
rel="noopener noreferrer"

return (
<div className="flex h-full">
<div className="m-auto flex flex-col items-center max-w-4xl">

<div className="flex flex-col gap-12 items-start">

<div className="mt-24">
<Typography variant="h4">
This is an example of an additional view
? <>Logged in as {authController.user.displayName}</>
: <>You are not logged in</>}

<div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-3 gap-2">
<Paper className={"w-full flex flex-col p-4 items-start"}>
<p className="mb-4 flex-grow">
Use this button to select an entity under the path `products` programmatically
Test reference dialog

<Paper className="w-full flex flex-col p-4 items-start">
<p className="mb-4 flex-grow">
Use this button to open a snackbar
onClick={() =>{
type: "success",
message: "This is pretty cool"
Test snackbar

<Paper className="w-full flex flex-col p-4 items-start">
<p className="mb-4 flex-grow">
Use this button to open an entity in a custom path with a custom schema
onClick={() =>{
entityId: "B003WT1622",
path: "/products-test",
collection: customProductCollection,
width: 1000
Open custom entity

<div className="w-full">
<p className="mb-4">
You can include full entity collections in your views:
<EntityCollectionView {...usersCollection}

<div className="mt-auto">

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