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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Data Export


This document provides an overview of how to use the Data Export Plugin with FireCMS to export collection data in JSON or CSV formats.

The Data Export Plugin allows you to export data from your FireCMS collections easily. With this plugin, you can generate JSON or CSV files containing your collection data, which can be useful for data backups, migrations, or offline analysis.

In this document, we will cover how to set up and use this plugin in your FireCMS application.


First, ensure you have installed the necessary dependencies. To use the plugin, you need to have FireCMS set up in your project.

yarn add @firecms/data_export


npm install @firecms/data_export


The plugin requires minimal configuration and can be easily integrated into your FireCMS setup. You can customize the export behavior using the ExportPluginProps.

ExportPluginProps Parameters

Below are the parameters you can configure:

  • exportAllowed: A function that determines whether exporting is allowed based on the provided parameters.
    • Type: (props: ExportAllowedParams) => boolean
    • Default: undefined (exporting is allowed by default)
  • notAllowedView: A React node to display when exporting is not permitted.
    • Type: React.ReactNode
    • Default: undefined
  • onAnalyticsEvent: A callback function triggered on analytics events related to exporting.
    • Type: (event: string, params?: any) => void
    • Default: undefined


The ExportAllowedParams type provides context for the exportAllowed function:

  • collectionEntitiesCount: The number of entities in the collection.
    • Type: number
  • path: The path of the collection in FireCMS.
    • Type: string
  • collection: The collection entity.
    • Type: EntityCollection

Hook Usage

The main hook to utilize the plugin's functionality is useExportPlugin. Here's an example of how to use it:

import React from "react";
import { FireCMS } from "@firecms/core";
import { useExportPlugin } from "@firecms/data_export";

function App() {

const exportPlugin = useExportPlugin({
exportAllowed: ({
}) => {
// Example: Allow export only if there are more than 10 entities
return collectionEntitiesCount > 10;
notAllowedView: <div>Exporting is not permitted.</div>,
onAnalyticsEvent: (event, params) => {
console.log(`Export Event: ${event}`, params);

return (
// rest of your plugins
/*... rest of your configuration */

export default App;

Setting up the Plugin

To integrate the Data Export Plugin into FireCMS, use the useExportPlugin hook and pass the resulting plugin into the FireCMS configuration. You will typically want to do this in your main App component.

Using the Export Functionality

Once the plugin is integrated, you can use the export functionality directly within your collection views. The plugin adds export actions to your collection views, allowing users to export data as JSON or CSV.

Example: Exporting a Collection

  1. Navigate to the desired collection in your FireCMS application.
  2. Click on the Export action in the collection actions toolbar.
  3. Choose the desired export format (JSON or CSV).
  4. The exported file will be downloaded to your device.

Customizing the Export Behavior

You can customize how the export functionality behaves by providing custom implementations for the exportAllowed, notAllowedView, and onAnalyticsEvent props.

Example: Restricting Export Based on User Role

const exportPlugin = useExportPlugin({
exportAllowed: ({
}) => {
// Allow export only for admins
return userRoles.includes('admin');
notAllowedView: <div>Only administrators can export data.</div>,
onAnalyticsEvent: (event, params) => {
// Log export events for auditing
logAnalytics(event, params);



Defines the properties that can be passed to the useExportPlugin hook.

export type ExportPluginProps = {
exportAllowed?: (props: ExportAllowedParams) => boolean;
notAllowedView?: React.ReactNode;
onAnalyticsEvent?: (event: string, params?: any) => void;


Provides context to determine if exporting is allowed.

export type ExportAllowedParams = {
collectionEntitiesCount: number;
path: string;
collection: EntityCollection;
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