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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Migrating from FireCMS 2.0 to FireCMS 3.0

FireCMS 3.0 is a major release that introduces a lot of changes. This page describes the main changes and how to migrate from FireCMS 2.0.

FireCMS Community and PRO are the self-hosted versions of FireCMS. It allows you to host your own backend and use FireCMS without any restrictions. It is the most similar version to FireCMS 2.0, but with a lot of improvements and new features.

Migrating to FireCMS PRO

Most of the concepts are the same as in FireCMS 2.0, but there are some changes that you need to be aware of. We recommend starting a new project with:

yarn create firecms-app --pro


npx create-firecms-app --pro

This will create a new project with the latest version of FireCMS PRO.

Updating the imports

The main change is that the imports have changed. You need to update the imports in your project. Before you would import everything from firecms (or even @camberi/firecms). Now you need to import from different packages.

  • All UI components are now in @firecms/ui. Everything including buttons, textfields, layouts, etc.
  • The core of FireCMS is in @firecms/core. This includes the FireCMSApp, FireCMSContext, etc.
  • All Firebase related code is in @firecms/firebase, including useFirebaseAuthController, use etc. Most of the imports can be found in @firecms/core, so we recommend starting there.

Collection configuration

Collections have suffered minimal changes. If you don't have any custom components defined, it should be easy to adapt your collections to the new format.

  • You need to define an id for each collection, which typically can be the same as the path. Make sure the id is unique.

  • The prop views has been renamed to entityViews, since they are applied to entities.

    • Within entityViews the prop path has been renamed to key.
  • For AdditionalFieldDelegate:

    • The prop id has been renamed to key.
    • The prop builder has been renamed to Builder.


  • The authenticator now returns a dataSourceDelegate instead of a dataSource. The difference is that you do not pass the collection prop anymore.


  • useNavigationContext has been renamed to useNavigationController.
  • FieldDescription has been renamed to FieldCaption.
  • PropertyPreview no longer need an entity prop.

Migrating custom components (MUI)

FireCMS 3.0 is based on tailwindcss instead of mui.

Mui was great for the initial versions of FireCMS, but it was being a big performance bottleneck and it was hard to customize.

The new version of FireCMS has built in almost 50 new components implemented with tailwindcss, that mimic in a good way the material-ui components. You are encouraged to migrate your custom components to the new format.

You can try replacing imports from @mui/material to @firecms/ui and will see that many things work out of the box.


Icons in FireCMS are based on the material icons. You can use all the material icons importing them just like in MUI.

import { AddIcon } from "@firecms/ui";

The prop fontSize is called size in FireCMS (because it just makes more sense, MUI).

Components that have no equivalent:

  • Box: The box component is just a wrapper used by mui to apply styles. You can use a div instead, with some tailwind classes. Tip: ChatGPT is great at converting Box components to div with tailwind classes.
  • Link: Use a instead.
  • FormControl

Components that change behaviour (from MUI to FireCMS UI)

  • Menu and MenuItem: Menu items do not have an id anymore. You can add an onClick props per menu item.
  • Select does not use labelId anymore. Just add the label as a component in label.
  • SelectChangeEvent is now ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>
  • CircularProgress size is a string instead of a number. You can use size="small" or size="large".

Continue using MUI

However, if you want to keep using mui: you can still use the old components, but you will need to install the mui package manually.

yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

If you need MUI icons, run:

yarn add @mui/icons-material
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