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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Data Import


The Data Import Plugin for FireCMS enables you to import collection data from JSON, CSV, XLSL (Excel) files directly into your FireCMS application. This plugins provide an interface where users can upload files and map the existing data to the collection properties. This makes it very convenient to move data from one service to another and convert data into the right data types in the database.

The plugin is able to do automatic conversion of some data types such as dates.

The import feature can be also used within the collection editor plugin. In the collection editor, you can create new collections from a data file. It will be able to understand your data structure correctly, and even infer types such as as dates or enums (even if they are stored as strings).


First, install the Data Import Plugin package:

yarn add @firecms/data_import


Integrate the Data Import Plugin using the useImportPlugin hook. You can optionally provide ImportPluginProps to customize its behavior.


  • onAnalyticsEvent: A callback triggered on import-related analytics events.
    • Type: (event: string, params?: any) => void
    • Default: undefined

Hook Usage

Use the useImportPlugin hook to create the import plugin and include it in the FireCMS configuration.

Example: Integrating the Data Import Plugin

import React from "react";
import { CircularProgressCenter, FireCMS, useBuildModeController } from "@firecms/core";
import { useFirebaseStorageSource } from "@firecms/firebase";
import { useImportPlugin } from "@firecms/data_import";

export function App() {

const importPlugin = useImportPlugin({
onAnalyticsEvent: (event, params) => {
console.log(`Import Event: ${event}`, params);
// Integrate with your analytics service if needed

return (
// ... rest of your plugins
/*... rest of your configuration */
{({ context, loading }) => {

// ... your components

export default App;

Using the Import Functionality

After integration, the import feature is available within your collection views. Users can upload JSON or CSV files to populate the collections.

Steps to Import Data

  1. Navigate to a Collection: Open the desired collection in your FireCMS application.
  2. Initiate Import: Click on the Import action in the collection actions toolbar.
  3. Upload File: Select and upload the JSON or CSV file containing the data.
  4. Data Type Mapping: Select the data types and how your data should be mapped to the current structure.
  5. Data Processing: The plugin processes the file and adds the data to your collection.



Defines the properties for the useImportPlugin hook.

export type ImportPluginProps = {
onAnalyticsEvent?: (event: string, params?: any) => void;


Provides context for determining import permissions.

export type ImportAllowedParams = { 
collectionEntitiesCount: number;
path: string;
collection: EntityCollection;

Example: Tracking Imports with Google Analytics

const importPlugin = useImportPlugin({
onAnalyticsEvent: (event, params) => {
if (window && window.gtag) {
window.gtag('event', event, params);
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