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Version: 3.0.0-beta

Main Components

FireCMS provides a set of stylable components that scaffold the CMS interface. These components are designed to be easily customizable and can be extended to fit your needs. The main components are:


The Scaffold is typically the top level component for logged-in users. It provides the main layout for the CMS, including the drawer, the appbar, and the main content area.

You can customize the Scaffold by providing your own components for the drawer, appbar, and content area. You can also apply classes to the Scaffold to style it according to your needs.


  • autoOpenDrawer: Open the drawer on hover.
  • logo: Logo to be displayed in the top bar and drawer. Note that this has no effect if you are using a custom AppBar or Drawer.
  • className: Additional classes to apply to the Scaffold.
  • style: Additional styles to apply to the Scaffold.
  • children: The children of the Scaffold. Typically, these are the AppBar, Drawer, NavigationRoutes, and SideDialogs.


import { Scaffold, AppBar, Drawer, NavigationRoutes, SideDialogs } from "@firecms/core";
import logo from "./images/logo.png";
return <Scaffold
<AppBar title={"My CMS app"}/>


The AppBar is the top bar of the CMS. It typically contains the logo, the title, and the user menu. The default appbar includes an avatar tied to the logged-user.


  • title: Title to be displayed in the appbar.
  • endAdornment: Component to be displayed on the right side of the appbar.
  • startAdornment: Component to be displayed on the left side of the appbar.
  • dropDownActions: Component to be displayed as a dropdown in the appbar. The content is displayed as children of a Menu component, so you will likely want to use MenuItem components.
  • includeModeToggle: Whether to include the color mode toggle in the appbar (dark/light mode).
  • className: Additional classes to apply to the AppBar.
  • style: Additional styles to apply to the AppBar.
  • children: Define your own AppBar content. If you define children, the title, endAdornment, and dropDownActions will be ignored.


import { AppBar } from "@firecms/core";
import { Button, ForumIcon, LogoutIcon, MenuItem, PaymentIcon, Tooltip } from "@firecms/ui";
return <AppBar title={title}
title={"Your custom action"}>
<Button variant={"outlined"}><ForumIcon size="small"/></Button>
<MenuItem onClick={() => {
console.log("Settings clicked");
<PaymentIcon size="small"/> Settings
<MenuItem onClick={() => {
console.log("Logout clicked");
<LogoutIcon size="small"/>

Replace the default AppBar

You can replace the default AppBar by wrapping your custom component with the AppBar:

import { AppBar, Scaffold } from "@firecms/core";
return <Scaffold>
<div>My custom appbar</div>
{/* ... */}

All the props passed to the AppBar will be ignored if you define a custom component.


The Drawer is the left-side menu of the CMS. It typically contains the navigation routes and the user menu. If you define a Drawer component, the Scaffold will automatically include a hamburger icon to open and close the drawer. If you don't include a drawer, the hamburger icon will not be displayed.

The default drawer includes the navigation routes to your collections, as well as links to the admin views.


  • className: Additional classes to apply to the Drawer.
  • style: Additional styles to apply to the Drawer.
  • children: Define your own Drawer content. If you define children, the navigation routes will be ignored.

Custom drawer example

You can replace the default Drawer by wrapping your custom component with the Drawer. Note that the burger icon will be displayed automatically if you define a custom Drawer.

import { Drawer, Scaffold } from "@firecms/core";
return <Scaffold>
<div>My custom drawer</div>
{/* ... */}

The NavigationRoutes component defines a Routes component (react-router-dom) that contains the routes to your home page, collections, custom views and admin views.

It picks up all the configuration automatically from the FireCMS configuration. Note that you can also define your own routes if you need to.


  • homePage: Component to be displayed in the home page. If not provided, the default home page will be displayed.
  • children: Define your own routes. Note that these routes will be appended to the default routes.


import { NavigationRoutes } from "@firecms/core";
return <NavigationRoutes homePage={<>My custom home page</>}>
{/* Define your custom routes here, using react-router */}
key={"navigation_admin_" + path}

Note that you can also define custom views by defining them in useBuildNavigationController, with the added benefit that they will be automatically included in the default drawer.


The SideDialogs component is a container for side dialogs. Side dialogs are typically used to display forms or additional information in a side panel.

You can access the useSideDialogsController hook to open and close side dialogs programmatically from your custom components.


useApp() hook

You can use the useApp() hook to access the AppState object from the context. This object contains the following properties:

  • hasDrawer: Whether the drawer is enabled.
  • drawerHovered: Whether the drawer is currently hovered.
  • drawerOpen: Whether the drawer is currently open.
  • openDrawer: Function to open the drawer.
  • closeDrawer: Function to close the drawer.
  • autoOpenDrawer: Whether the drawer should open on hover.
  • logo: Logo to be displayed in the top bar and drawer.
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